What's it like to inject immune suppressors?

  So, I wound up doing the old YouTube video editing and upload and premiering on a Saturday evening thing. Instead of my usual review video it's more of a health catch-up vlog, a talk through some of the medication I'm having to take and why, as you might have noticed, no sooner had I started doing videos again after a year off, I stopped, again.
I stopped, because my health went downhill a bit more again. And I'm still on a bit of a downward trend right now, pending further tests which will require yet more samples of my blood being taken to see just what my body is up to this time, more specifically looking at whether or not my body just needs more of the immune suppressor I'm taking, or if my overactive immune system has actually started working against this medication and become, well, immune to it. But that got me thinking about what my next video should be about, so the topic just seemed to fall into place so naturally. What's it been like to live with my crohns flare up, flaring up again, at least a little bit, and just what is it like to have to take some immune suppressors once every two weeks to try to combat that so my body can still heal itself? To answer this question, I filmed this on the morning of 14th of October 2020 and edited on Microsoft Video Editor today, the first video I have ever used this software for. Let me know what you think of it. 

  Of course this is only looking at some of the issues and it's
certainly not as in-depth as it could be. I might very well do a follow up that does look all of this in far more detail somewhere down the line, but for now, I'm just going to look at the aspect of taking this little pen full of medication.

Fun fact, youtube does not allow you to use "medication" as a tag.


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