
Showing posts from February 16, 2020

Who is the Ruth Doctor? A look at the theories so far.

Who is the Ruth Doctor? A look at the theories so far.   So at this point we all know about the Ruth Doctor, an incarnation of the Doctor that the current Doctor, currently in the second incarnation of her second set of regenerations, has no knowledge of, and likewise, this new Doctor has no knowledge of the current Doctor.    Hidden away on Earth in Gloucestershire as a 44 year old black female human courtesy of the chameleon arch which the 10th doctor used once, and when restored is flying around in a Tardis with a control console look and layout very similar to the one used by the First, Second and Third Doctors.   Theories have of course come and gone as to who she is and where she fits in all of this, so let's take a look at some of them, and see what we can come up with.   She’s from an earlier cycle.   This has been a whole can of worms to discuss, but the thing is, it’s not without precedent. The Doctor and the Master are both in their second (known) sets of r